Evolution Trainings

Fire Salute On-Demand (90 Minute Class)

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Fire Salute On-Demand (90 Minute Class)

The brain is designed for stress and survival. If you want to be happy, peaceful, joyous, that will take some work: and this is a fun place to start!

Participants will find their “Sankalpa”, their personalized mantra, as well as learn powerful neurological techniques to rewire stress pathways and make more room for joy and peace. There is an interactive lecture on the Chakra system and how it relates to the nervous system and then move into an All Levels flow. Come burn away that which no longer serves you! Make space for the light and life you want to live.

As a survivor, Michelle has spent her life teaching people from all walks of life how to find acceptance for their challenges, and gratitude for their blessings. Never shying away from the shadow side of life and practice, Michelle teaches from a place of experience and wisdom about the hard-earned efforts of finding joy. 
USA tax (7%) $2.10
Due today $32.10
renews weekly

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